
Saturday, 30 July 2011

Top 10 - Homeopathic Remedies for Headache!

Headaches are probably one of the commonest causes of suffering for human beings. Headache is the problem that can occur due to wide variety of causes; however, whatever is the cause, it leads to incapacity to work, concentrate and be happy! Treating headache is one of the important aspects of homeopathic prescribing I would say, because it instills confidence in the doctor that they can give rapid and sustained relief to the patients with aptly chosen homeopathic medicine. Rather in the initial practice, it was 'headache' that gave me lot of patients for other problems, because they never thought homeopathy can relieve headaches so fast! Quite obvious thinking for people gulping the dangerous nimusulide or inflagin for that maddening headache!

Stress, migraine, hyperacidity, hypertension, sinusitis, allergies, flatulent dyspepsias, etc are some of the common causes of headache.
Now, let's consider the top 10 homeopathic remedies and their symptomatology that we must not forget while handling headache homeopathically. Certainly this is not the only remedies; rather there might be more than thousand remedies with peculiar headaches. But these are among "Not to be forgotten" list!
(1)Natrum mur
- One of the top remedies for headaches
- Throbbing variety
- Headache starts in the morning after getting up and remains till sunset
- School-girl headaches those suffer from anemia
- Pain as if numerous hammers are thrusting on the brain
- Semi-lateral headaches, migraines, with nausea and vomiting
- With heavy aching eyelids
- In migraine, has an aura in numbness and tingling in tongue, lips, nose etc, before the attack sets
- Headache associated with sinusitis, when attack sets in after catching cold
- Ill-effects of grief, worry, fear etc
- Worse, from noise of any kind, music, heat, mental exertion; better on empty stomach, open air, pressure, sleep
- acute headache that starts suddenly
- sensitive head to least contact
- fullness in forehead
- associated with constant moaning
- ill effects of catching cold or having a hair cut
- pulsations felt in head
- aggravated by lying down, noise, jar, afternoon
- better by pressure and semi-erect posture
- headaches associated with vertigo
- spreading from occiput or located at occiput
- tension headaches
- dull pain with marked heaviness
- heavy drooping eyelids
- band feeling around head
- temporal headaches that occur after exposure to sun
- soreness in neck with headache
- may be delirious
- blindness may precede headache
- foggy weather aggravates and so does anticipation about anything
- better by profuse urination, open air and lying with head high

- worsened Belladona headache, throbbing variety more on left side
- head feels large when it aches
- peculiar sun-headaches with dizziness
- headache brought on by menstrual suppression
- congestive headaches with irregular circulations; pulsations felt in head, ears and all over the face
- any type of occupational headache brought on by working near or with heat
- can feel surging of blood to head
- despite heaviness, cannot lay head on pillow
- headache in a child that attended campfire the day before
- associated with sparks before the eyes
- < sun, jar, stooping, hair cut, peaches, lying down
- > brandy, after sun sets
- migraine headaches
- associated with loss of or deficient memory
- marked state of confusion
- headache starts in the morning on waking up
- areas affected- occiput, temporal region, and mastoid
- associated with heavy dull eyes with pain in eyeballs
- worse using eyes, left side, movement
- better by cold drinks and eating
- Sudden onset headaches with excessive irritability
- Throbbing pain in half of the head
- Patient bends head backwards in the hope to relieve
- Associated with hot clammy sweat on forehead and whining restlessness
- < heat, anger, vexation, windy weather
- > wet weather
- Headache as if a nail driven through the sides
- Crampy pain over the root of nose
- Headache from anger, acute grief, etc
- Emotional causes always lead to headache first
- Marked congestion
- Hysterical headaches
- Hollow-feeling of head that is aggravated by stooping
- Sobbing lady with headache
- < warmth, after meals, smoking, coffee, > change of position frequently
- peculiar right sides sun headaches
- marked periodicity
- begins in occiput, settles over the eyes (More on right side)
- menopausal headaches
- pain in spots over head
- associated with burning in eyes and red burning cheeks
- feels as if a flash of lightening hitting at the back of head
- > sleep, lying down, < sweets, touch
(9)Iris versicolor-
- Typical acidic headaches
- Headache associated with lots of acidity
- Marked nausea, lack of appetite, and burning along the alimentary canal
- During mental strain, performs well but once it's over, develops sick headache
- Frontal headaches with nausea
- Migraine with aura settling in eyes with a blur before eyes, followed by dull constricted headache for long time
- continued motion

(10)Nux vomica
- headache with vertigo, especially after night-watching
- headache from over-exertion, tobacco, alcohol, coffee
- marked sensitivity to touch
- frontal headache > by pressing hard
- headache associated with constipation, nausea
- sun headaches
- head feels sore and distended
- associated with photophobia, neuralgic pain in eyes, and watering of eyes
- worse in the mornings, after eating, cold; better after a good nap, evening, rest

Natural & Herbal Treatments for Measles or Rubella

Measles or rubella is highly-contagious viral infection that is very common in children. The infection causes a fever and rash, and its incubation period generally is between 9 and 11 days.

The initial symptoms of this infection is frequently feeling tired, irritability, fever, runny eyes, aversion to light as well as cold-like symptoms. The usual manifestations of this infection are, a bright red rash which breaks out on the forehead and face and then on the neck and leading down to the feet. The rash usually lasts about three days in each area. This infection is very common during the spring and the winter.
A Very Contagious Infection:
Measles is considered as a highly contagious condition, ,which spreads via airborne droplets from the nose and from saliva. The infection's incubation period usually takes from fifteen days to three weeks. Rubella is diagnosed from three symptoms: fever, a light rash appearing mainly on the face and neck, then on the rest of the body, and swellings behind the ears and near the nape. The duration and of the illness is generally benign and lasts about a week, which often goes unnoticed.
Though this may be a common illness, generally it does not have serious repercussions except when it happens at the start of pregnancy, where it can cause an abortion or some serious mental deficiency or malformation in the fetus. Women who have not had the disease in their childhood are advised to get vaccinated before they get pregnant.
Herbal Ingredients For Alleviating Measles:
- Neem Leaves
These herbs, when placed in the room of an infected person, will act as an antiseptic and also freshens up the air as well. They also aid in preventing the spread of infection.
- Echinacea
This herb is effective for enhancing the immune system and preventing infections. .
- Garlic Oil
Individuals may apply garlic oil to the affected area to prevent the infection from developing.
- Eleutherococcus and Ginseng
These herbs are effective as general tonics for adults, and improve strength and resistance to infections.
- Saffron and Snake Root
Saffron and Snake Root are herbs which help speeding up the healing process. Patients may drink saffron and snake root tea daily.
- Eucalyptus, naiouli, thyme linalol can be given to children. These herbs have potent anti-inflammatory and anti-infection abilities.
Those suffering from measles are also advised to consume food rich in copper. Copper is a mineral that is prevalent in foods like seaweed, almonds, avocado, cocoa, cereals (whole wheat and rice). mushrooms, shellfish, oysters, crustaceans, calf and sheep liver, dried fruit, nuts, fish roe, plums and tea.
You also need to give patients plenty of liquids, in as much as he or she can tolerate, preferably juices, because drinking lots of fluids is important, especially with children.
With high fever and sweating, kids tend to get dehydrated more easily, as they vomit frequently. Ensure that the child stays indoors, and preferably in bed, since getting lots of rest is essential. In addition, by staying in bed and not going out, the child will be able to prevent other persons who are not immunized, from catching this infection, as this is a highly contagious one.

Top 06 - Tips to Remove Ear Wax

Because most people don't know how to remove ear wax themselves, they often rush to the doctor and incur large doctor bills for something they could do just as easily at home.

1. Try chewing gum. The jaw movement is part of the body's natural way to remove wax, and it may help to dislodge whatever is stuck in there.
2. Use a medium-size syringe or bulb aspirator to squirt water inside the ear. A few precautions here: don't stick the tip (or anything else) inside your ear canal. Place the tip right at the entrance to the ear and squirt warm water inside, leaving plenty of room for water to also come out again.
3. If just plain water doesn't work, use some warmed-up oil to try melting the wax first. Sometimes a hardened ear wax buildup needs to be dislodged from its position first, then blasted out with the water. Knowing how to remove it at home is all about trying safe and recommended things out to see what works.
4. Some people swear by ear candling, in which one end of a hollow cloth candle is placed inside the ear and the other end is lit. Contrary to what some of the less-reputable manufacturers claim, no ear wax is "drawn out" by the process, although warm smoke and air may help to dislodge a stubborn ear wax build up.
5. Still nothing? Try one of the many wax removal products available on the market, such Debrox or Murine Ear Wax Removal System. Most of these kits use hydrogen peroxide to partially dissolve the blockage, and then follow it up with the same water blast treatment. Not only that, but what did you think the doctor was going to use? Most times the ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor) will start his treatment using one of these kits.
6. If after steps 1-4 you still have an impacted earwax problem, it may be time to bite the bullet and visit the doctor. He has all kinds of ear wax removal tools at his disposal, including one called an "otoscope" that will make it possible for him to view inside your ear canal and see what's keeping that wax stuck inside your ear. He can also use a specialized ear "scoop" to get that wax out, sometimes also called a "curette."
If you don't succeed at home and end up going to the doc, ask him what to do in future so you don't have to visit every time you've got excessive earwax. Some people's ears just require a regular ear wax cleaning, which you can just as easily do at home as at the doctor's office.

Hepatitis C Treatment May Use Homeopathic Or Antiviral Drugs

All hepatitis conditions affect the liver: inflammatory cells are present in the tissue of the organ. Acute hepatitis lasts for less than six months. The disease is classed as chronic if it lasts for longer than that. Although some hepatitis conditions are caused by toxins (some medications and plants, but especially alcohol), most are caused by one of the hepatitis viruses. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) was first identified in 1987. It is now thought that almost 300 million people are infected world wide with hepatitis C. Hepatitis C treatment usually requires antiviral drugs such as Pegasys, PEG-Intron and ribavirin. Homeopathic treatments are also available, which can show reduction in the viral load, without side effects associated with the antiviral treatment.
Most cases of hepatitis are caused by viruses, which include hepatitis types A-E. The existence of hepatitis C (HCV) was first suspected in the 1970s, and the virus was definitively identified in 1987. It is now believed that 300 million people are infected around the world.
HCV is transmitted by blood to blood contact. Blood transfusion, unsterilized needles and other medical equipment, blood contact (during sport) and sexual contact are all possible routes of infection. In developing countries medical procedures can be poor by Western standards, and many infections occur via unsterilized needle and blood products.
In the US, and other developed countries, good medical practice, and blood donor screening make transmission during medical procedures quite rare. However a great many people were infected before the virus was identified, and effectively screened for during blood donations.
In developed countries the common infection routes are via infected needles being shared by drug users, and non-sterilized equipment being used for tattoos and body piercings. Sexual contact is possible but fairly uncommon: normally it will only occur if there is also another STD present with open sores.
Acute hepatitis is the initial stage, lasting for six months. In more than half the cases there are no symptoms, and if there are symptoms they can be very general, flu-like and non-specific. Other symptoms which may occur include jaundice, abdominal pain, and itching. This means diagnosis rarely happens during the acute phase.
Hepatitis infections lasting over 6 months are called chronic hepatitis. Often there are no symptoms, and the disease is not uncovered until a routine medical check, such as might occur during pregnancy, or when applying to become a blood donor. Although symptomless, the disease is causing liver scarring, eventually leading to fibrosis and cirrhosis.
Due to the short time (about 20 years) in which hepatitis C has been studied, there are differing opinions about the long term prognosis for patients. Some estimates say that two thirds will develop cirrhosis within 30 years if the disease is left untreated, but other estimates are much lower than this.
In some cases the chronic infection will clear itself without any treatment, but in most cases hepatitis C treatment will be required. At the moment a combination of the antiviral drugs Pegasys, PEG-Intron and ribavirin are usually prescribed. Treatment lasts between 24 and 48 weeks depending on the specific HCV genotype. Treatment can be physically difficult, especially for those with a history of drug and alcohol abuse. In some cases patients can register as disabled during the treatment period. Homeopathic treatments are also available, which can show reduction in the viral load, without side effects associated with the antiviral treatment.

Top 06 - Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Anxiety Attacks Naturally

Sufferers of chronic panic disorders may benefit from visiting a trained homeopath

For all remedies you should take your homeopathic remedy with a mouth free from food, drink, toothpaste, tobacco, or mouthwash. Let the granules or tablets dissolve in your mouth. Don't swallow them with water. After using the remedy, do not drink anything except water for the next fifteen minutes.
1.Pulsatilla (Puls):
This remedy is recommended for those who suffer anxiety as insecurity with a craving for comforting and support They fear being alone, are easily discouraged, and moody. They may appear as emotionally childish. Becoming too warm or being inside a stuffy room often brings on anxiety. General anxiety occurring during hormonal changes (menopause, puberty or menstrual periods) is often lessened with Pulsatilla.
2.Aconite (Aconitum napellus):
This natural remedy is useful for a panic attack that appears with a very strong feeling of fear. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, palpitations and hot or cold flushing of the face.
3.Silicea (Silica):
Recommended for those who are serious and capable yet feel shy and nervous. They may experience bouts of loss of confidence on a temporary basis. Anxiety can be overwhelming when they have to face an interview, public speaking engagement, examination, or any new task. Worry may bring on headaches, problems concentrating, states of exhaustion and feelings of dread.
4.Argentum nitricum (Arg-n):
This remedy is useful for anxiety caused by a major event. This could be an interview, public speaking, exam, etc. Symptoms include dizziness, anxiety, diarrhea, cravings for strong flavours and unusual thoughts or impulses.
5.Arsenicum album (Arsenicum, Ars)
This remedy is suggested for people who are extremely anxious about their health and who crave security and orderliness in life. Panic attacks often occur in the early morning. A person may feel tired yet restless, fidgeting and constantly moving around. The anxiety may cause digestive problems or asthma attacks.
6.Gelsemium (Gels)
This natural remedy for panic attacks is recommended if you are feeling weak, trembling and paralyzed by fear. It is also useful for somebody experiencing anxiety before stressful events such as exams, visits to dentists or public performances.
Headaches, perspiration and diarrhea will often occur with the feeling of nervousness here. General fatigue, a sore throat and a lack of thirst may also display for a sufferer Choosing the best homeopathic remedy for panic attacks is best done in consultation with a trained homeopath.

Homeopathic Remedies For Smoking Cessation

 The reason for the high rate of failure of quit smoking plans is that most people hate the withdrawal symptoms that follow - such as depression, craving for nicotine, anxiety attacks, irritability, body ache, lack of sleep, interference with body functions (mostly when the person was in habit to go to the toilet or sleep only after lighting a cigarette) and so on. Some of the most popular herbal quit smoking remedies are described here-under: -

1.Native Remedies Stop Smoking UltraPack, Contains Crave-Rx, Rx-Hale, Triple Complex NicoTonic: consists of multiple remedies that work well together to provide increased support for your condition. This ComboPack is the complete smoking cessation solution to control nicotine craving, depression, mood swings, irritability and restlessness. The Crave-Rx Drops reduce cravings, control appetite and prevent weight gain during withdrawal while the Rx-Hale Tablets prepare your body before beginning nicotine withdrawal and the NicoTonic helps to reduce side effects of nicotine withdrawal that make up the Stop Smoking UltraPack for maximum results when used together. Native remedies products are specially formulated by an expert team of homeopaths and naturopaths.
2.Gotu Colathis is an herb that literally clears the head and improves the sharpness of the brain. It is particularly beneficial in the smoking cessation process as it fights anxiety attacks and increases the level of concentration.
3.Avena Sativathis is an herb that has been used to fight serious drug addictions (such as opium) with great success for centuries. This herb too, prevents anxiety attacks and reduces the craving for and dependency on many harmful substances including smoking cessation withdrawal.
4.Garcinia cambogia: one of the side effects experienced during smoking cessation process is sudden weight-gain. This could be because people feel depressed and substitute the smoking habit with that of eating. Garcinia cambogia is classified as a citrus and is an excellent appetite suppressant. At the same time it raises the rate of the metabolism thereby increasing the rate of burning fat. This means a double bonus - reducing the compulsion to eat and reducing the weight. There are many other wonder herbs that can help with your quit smoking plans. Some of these are bayberry, ginger root, eucalyptus, skullcap and safflower. Let nature help you quit smoking today.
5.Supreme Relaxation and Stress Reducer Tea: is excellent remedy to kick back and relax when you overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Made from high elevation premium Ceylon tea and Australian Lemon Myrtle. It has also been reputed that this tea increases concentration on particularly bad days. This is 14 ounces of potent loose leaf tea. We include 100 fill it yourself tea bags so you always get the perfect amount. Recommendations: Use 1 level tsp. per 6 oz. cup; heat fresh water to a roaring boil; let steep for 7-10 min.

Top 10 Breast Cancer Awareness Products!

There are a variety of ways in which people can bring awareness to this potentially deadly disease. Buying, wearing and using breast cancer awareness products are amongst the very best ways to do so. Below, we have listed 10 terrific awareness products. This obviously isn't an exhaustive list but it's a collection of some of the very best items of this type.
1. Breast cancer pins - You've likely seen these pink ribbon pins worn by those who support the cause. These pins are small and cute and go well with everything. They can be worn to work, while out and about and at breast cancer, specific events.
2. Pink ribbon stickers: Who doesn't like stickers? They're small in size but their messages can be powerful. When thinking about stickers, vinyl stickers is the alternative to go, they are more durable and can also be placed outdoors, for instance on car bumpers or windows.
3. Pink ribbon charms: Charms are stylish way to bring attention to any cause. They can be placed on both bracelets and necklaces.
4. T-shirts: T-shirts with messages and logos are one of the more popular types of breast cancer awareness products. Today, many of the messages printed on these shirts are extremely creative, fun and even a bit exaggerated at times.
5. Mugs: For avid tea and coffee drinkers, mugs are a great way to silently promote breast cancer awareness. They are very easy to customize, even with photos and custom messages, which makes them very versatile.
6. Pink ribbon nail jewels: These are really cool. Pink ribbon nail jewels are decorative, fun and a great way to show your support.
7. Terry cloth wristbands: Terry cloth wristbands are great for people who enjoy running or working out. Available in hot-pink and emblazoned with the famous, pink ribbon, these are both cute and functional.
8. Woven mini tote bags: Tote bags get a lot of mileage, ensuring that your message travels as far as the person carrying it does.
9. Hats and Visors: From the most feminine sun-visors, cold-weather beanies and sports hats, you can add your logo or design using direct embroidery, a sewn-on patch, or for a more feminine touch, you can decorate them with rhinestones.
10. Hope flags: Place a pink ribbon hope flag outside your home and bring breast cancer awareness to your neighbors and passers-by. Perhaps they and those they love will be reminded to be proactive about their breast health.

Homemade Remedies to Prevent Skin Cancer

 Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer existing in the world. A lot of research and studies have been conducted for discovering and inventing the remedies to prevent for this serious disease.

It is a type of harmful, malignant growth affecting the skin of about one million people in a year in U.S.A. There are several causes such as severe sun burns, long term exposure to Ultra violet rays and a lot of others.

You need to do something about the condition of your skin as soon as you observe some of the warning signs. Some of the indications include change in the appearance of the skin such as a mole or sore that does not heal.

Skin cancer can occur in the following forms:-

a) Basal Cell Carcinoma:

This is referred to as the most common type of skin cancer. It does not spread to other parts of the body. It can invade other tissues surrounding the area.

b) Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This type of cancer usually appears on the face, lips or rims of the ear. It starts from the squamous cells that are found in the tissues that forming the surface of the skin, respiratory and digestion tracts and lining of the hollow organs of your body. Reddish or Brownish wart lesions or nodules on forehead and cheeks.

c) Melanoma

It is considered to be the most serious form of skin cancer as it tends to spread all over the body in a short period of time. The cancer may ooze bleed or itch. It is not painful.

There are several home remedies which are used in order to prevent for skin cancer.

Here are some remedies to try out:

- Coconut oil or butter remedy

Virgin coconut oil or butter is a good home remedy for skin care. It makes a good moisturizer and provides a good protective larger that locks in natural moisture as it has good solidifying property. You need to place the coconut butter in small lip palm or eye cream jars. You can also put it in a small sterilized jar.

- Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great skin care remedy. It has been used effectively to treat dry skin, burns, insect bites and skin irritations. It is also good for acne, cuts and abrasions.

- Honey

Honey softens the skin and reduces wrinkles. It also adds to the glow of the skin.

- Ayurvedic Remedy

This is a holistic approach and does a lot of good to the skin.

- Skin cleansers

It cleanses the skin and removes dead cells from the surface of the skin. It will also remove the dust and dirt that chokes the pores on the skin. Try making cleansers at home via using vegetable oils, coconut oil and water. Sesame, palm and coconut oils make good cleansers. Seaweeds can also strengthen the immunity and healthy functions of the skin via providing the minerals required.

- Skin toners

Toning of the skin with lemon oil and lavender oil is good. You can also add vitamin C crystals as a preservative and antioxidant. When using witch hazel, make sure you combine it with moisturizers such as vitamin E and honey.

- Water

Drink at least six glasses of water to moisturize your skin.

All the above mentioned home remedies is wellknown to prevent for skin cancer.

Top 07 - Tips To Relieve Wrist Pain

You may not realize just how important your wrists are until one of them gets hurt. There are basically two types of wrist injury. One is acute, such as a sprain or a fracture. The other is overuse, caused by the repetitive motion of activities such as typing. The overuse injury that most often affects the wrists is tendinitis. People who use their hands a lot such as carpenters, computer operators, musicians can develop tendinitis if the tendons in their wrists are not strong and flexible enough. Overuse can also affect the ulnar nerve, which runs along pinkie side of the wrist and hand. And it can cause tissues in the wrist to swell and put pressure on the median nerve, leading to carpel tunnel syndrome. Both conditions can produce tingling, numbness, and pain in the fingers and hands as well as in the wrists. Here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to relieve wrist pain.
1.Build Some Muscles:
You can prevent future wrist pain by strengthening the muscles in your forearms. It is recommended holding a 6-ounce can of tomato paste in each hand and flexing your wrists back and forth 15 to 20 times. Or you can simply squeeze a tennis ball in each hand. Squeeze the ball for 5 seconds and release, then repeat 12 to 15 times.
2.Ease Back Into It:
A wrist that has been immobilized may become stiff from lack of use. Some gentle stretching can help restore flexibility. It is recommended pressing on a tabletop with the palm of your hand. Bend your wrist until you reach the angle of pain, then back off just a hair. By riding the edge of discomfort and stopping just before you feel pain, you are doing beneficial stretching. Hold this position or as long as you find comfortable, working up to 2 minutes. Repeat three to four times daily.
3.Treat It Gingerly:
A compress made from ginger can draw out toxins and accelerate the healing process. To make the compress, simply boil some grated gingerroot, allow it to cool, place it in a moist washcloth, and lay the washcloth over your wrist. The washcloth should be as hot as you can tolerate. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, and repeat every other hour.
4.Keep Still:
For a more severe case of tendinitis, immobilizing the joint with an elastic wrist support may provide some relief. You will find these devices in drugstores and medical supply stores. It is recommended wearing one while you sleep, to prevent your wrist from twisting awkwardly as well as during your waking hours, when your wrist is in use. The support should keep your wrist in about 10-degree dorsiflex position. In other words, if your palm is facing downward, your wrist should be bent slightly upward.
5.Put It On The Rocks:
Ice is a vasoconstrictor. That means it decreases the blood supply in your wrist, which helps reduce any swelling. It is recommended putting ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrapping the bag in a towel, and applying the pack to your wrist for about 20 minutes. Repeat the treatment four to six times a day.
6.Raise Your Hand:
Elevation is not as crucial for an injured wrist as for an injured ankle or knee. Still, it can help keep any swelling down. Just be sure to prop your wrist so that it is above heart level.
7.Turn On The Heat:
Once any swelling subsides, or if your wrist simply feels stiff and achy, heat can help. It is recommended to follow these instructions. Rub vinegar on your wrist, cover it with plastic, then apply a heating pad wrapped in a towel for about 20 minutes. You can repeat this treatment every hour as needed.

Homeopathy For Weight Loss

 Dieting, exercising, tablets, life-style adjustments - you've tried them all but still nothing has changed when you stand on the weighing scales. Engaging a war against that unwelcome fat can be a hard battle. If you are getting disappointed over the conventional ways of weight loss that don't present results, then why not try other options like homeopathy?
Homeopathic remedies for slimming have become more and more fashionable currently for three reasons. First, these treatments are very effective, with many people getting satisfying results. Second, they're completely safe for anyone, even for babies and expectant women. Some established drugs for slimming, then again, can lead to bad effects like vomiting, sickness, and weakness. Third, they are able to be taken with other medicines or supplements, so you don't need to concern yourself about interaction between the treatments.
A well known medical system in Europe, the United States, and Southeastern Asia, homeopathic treatment employs compounds from plants, animals, and minerals and reduces them to heal different diseases. This alternative method of medicine works on the rule of similars: the symptoms caused by a substance can be healed by the same substance in diluted form. Take the substance arsenic for instance. If ingested by a person, arsenic can cause vomiting and stomach cramps. A homeopathic remedy made from arsenic (called arsenicum album) can treat the symptoms of retching and stomach cramps. As the majority of the appropriate remedy is prescribed to a patient, homeopathic medicine works great in treating illnesses.
Most homeopathic treatments function to boost the metabolism and remedy digestive problems, and these are the two fundamental aspects for lowering one's weight. What homeopaths typically do is study the symptoms of a patient and ask questions about his condition. After wards, the homeopath prescribes the specific remedy for slimming down.
Unlike traditional slimming methods, there is no individual remedy for all individuals with weight issues. Each homeopathic curative is unique to a particular patient. An overweight individual who cannot control their appetite requires a cure different from another overweight person who has a sustained lusting for confections. For the initial subject, the right homeopathic remedy is Calcarea carbonica, while for the second subject, the curative is Argentum nitricum. For weight problems with laziness, the remedy is Capsicum. Ignatia is a homeopathic curative for obese individuals that show fear and anxiety signs. People tend to binge in fatty foods, the remedy is Nux vomica. The other general homeopathic treatments for slimming include Coffea cruda and Antimonium crudum.