Either because they are afraid to tell us or they simply won't, whatever the reason, it is up to US as victims or families of cancer victims to find the answers to the disease that can wreck our lives.
There are nutrition supplements that are actually causing complete remission of metastasized , aggressive stage IV cancers.
There was actually a stage IV cancer patient that refused treatment with both chemo and radiation and was given several weeks to live that got better using nutritional supplements!
In fact, if they WOULD prescribe a natural cancer treatment that is not FDA approved, they could lose their license...the state can fine them and revoke or suspend their license.
They can even lose their rights to see patients in the hospital.
So it is clearly obvious that what doctors won't tell you is often because they CAN'T tell you...
But even so, many in the medical will also tell you that the alternative remedies for cancer are slowly seeping into the fringes of medical practices, giving them more options to offer their patients.

Just don't let anyone tell you that you can not get help with some alternative remedy homeopathic type of treatment!
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