If you suffer from eczema, you know how dry skin, the intense itching, and the inflamed skin can affect your entire life, but it there are safe home remedies for eczema. When used continually they can actually cure the condition completely.
1. Coconut oil is one of the excellent home remedies for eczema, because it truly is healing to your skin. You should apply the coconut oil to the affected areas. It also keeps your skin moisturized, which combats the dryness that eczema sufferers face.

3. A short time in the sun with no sunscreen is one of the home remedies for eczema because the sun can skill any bacteria on your skin due to scratching. Obviously, you do not want to spend hours sunbathing since the sun's harmful rays can damage your skin, but 15 minutes in the sun between 10AM and 2PM can work wonders.

5. Witch hazel is very effective and soothing to the skin. Rub is on with a clean cotton ball up to six times each day. This will heal the inflammation and sooth the skin.
In addition, you need to make sure you have a hypoallergenic oil-based moisturizer that is completely fragrance-free and dye-free and apply this to all of you skin, both affected and not at least three times per day. Keeping moisture in your skin is vital when you have eczema.
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