Asthma is a debilitating lung condition in which the airways or bronchial tubes become inflamed due to a hyper-sensitive immune system. In patients with asthma the airways will narrow and become obstructed when irritated and has become one of the most common respiratory illnesses. Asthma causes suffering in millions of people around the world and affects children as well as adults.
Many factors are responsible for the cause of asthma. These causes range from the lack of exercise which may cause certain allergies, family genetics, dietary factors and irritants within the environment such as dust and pollen.
People whom suffer from asthma are not confined to only using pharmaceuticals but can benefit greatly from using many homeopathic natural asthma remedies with ingredients that can be purchased from any local store. Here are the 4 best homeopathic asthma remedies that any asthma sufferer can try.
1. Honey for the treatment of asthma has been used and continues to be one the best homeopathic asthma remedies available. Within a few minutes of taking honey as recommended one will feel better and will begin to breath easily.
2. Boiling water mixed with caraway seeds is another remedy many have used for generations. The patient should inhale the steam until breathing becomes regular. Another great homeopathic asthma remedy.
3. Take a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of water 2-3 times a day and should be taken on an empty stomach. One of the very best homeopathic asthma remedies.
4. One of the best asthma treatments for many patients is sun, air and clean water. Fresh air everyday does wonders as a homeopathic asthma treatment as well as reduces stress and tensions.
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